Are you unsure if a DIY epoxy flooring kit is the right choice for your Findlay property? You’re not alone. Many homeowners appreciate the convenience of doing it themselves, but others opt to hire a professional. To decide which path is right for you, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of hiring a garage epoxy installer.

This article will cover the basics of epoxy flooring and help you decide whether or not to hire a professional.

What is an Epoxy Coating?

Though epoxy is an extremely common flooring material, many people are unaware of what it is. It is a two-part resin system made of epoxy resin and a polyamine hardener. When combined, these substances form a durable polymer film that can be applied to concrete floors or other surfaces as a protective coating.

Epoxy coatings are seamless and provide a protective barrier against water, oils, grease, and other chemicals. They also make a garage floor look more aesthetically pleasing with a sleek and reflective surface.

Pros of Hiring an Installer

There are numerous benefits to choosing a professional epoxy floor installer. These trained contractors are experienced in the epoxy installation process and can help you pick the right type of coating for your garage floor. Let’s look at each advantage in more detail.

Experience: One of the main benefits of hiring an installer is their expertise. A good installer knows how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating correctly. This reduces the risk of installation mistakes, which can be costly and time-consuming to fix.

Time Savings: Hiring a professional can also save you a lot of time. Homeowners often spend several days applying an epoxy coating themselves. An experienced professional can typically complete the job in just one day, freeing up your time for other projects.

Guarantee: Working with a reputable installer also gives you peace of mind that your project is backed by a guarantee. Many installers offer warranties on their work, so you can rest assured any defects or issues will be taken care of.

Cons of Hiring an Installer

Though there are numerous advantages to hiring a professional, there may also be some drawbacks worth considering.

Cost: One downside to finding a good installer is the cost. Professional installation can be expensive. However, if you are looking to save money, there are typically cheaper DIY epoxy flooring kits available.

Accessibility: Depending on where you live, it may be difficult to find a reliable installer in your area. You will need to research and compare prices and services from different contractors before making a decision.

No Learning Opportunity: Working with a professional eliminates the opportunity to learn how to install epoxy flooring yourself. If you value the DIY experience, this may not be an issue for you.

There are Risks to Using DIY Epoxy Kits

Although it may be tempting to install an epoxy coating yourself, there are several risks and potential problems involved. The process can be difficult and time-consuming, and mistakes made during installation can cause costly repair bills. You will also need specialized tools and materials to complete the job correctly.

The risks are somewhat amplified with an epoxy coating, as these are designed to be a permanent, long-term solution. If the coating is applied incorrectly, it may not last as long or provide the same level of protection.

Is Epoxy Right for My Space?

Epoxy flooring is a great option for any garage or industrial space. It is highly durable, looks great, and can add value to your home. However, it is important to determine whether or not hiring a professional installer is the right choice for you.

Keep these factors in mind:

– Costs associated with hiring a professional

– Time needed to complete the job correctly

– The level of protection provided by the epoxy coating

If you are willing to invest in a reliable and experienced installer, epoxy flooring can be an excellent option for your space. You will enjoy the protection and aesthetic value it brings to any property.

Consider all of the factors described in this article and make an informed decision based on your budget and needs. With the right epoxy flooring system, you can have a beautiful, long-lasting floor that will last for years.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if hiring a garage epoxy installer is the right choice for your Findlay property. Weighing all of the pros and cons will help you make the best decision for your needs. If you are looking for a free consultation, our team is here to help.